Options Evaluation


If you are pregnant, you have a few different options to choose from, including Adoption, Parenting and Abortion. Life Choices Medical Clinic can help you make sense of each option.

You get to choose the one that is best for you. You may feel alone and scared. We are here to listen and answer your questions. This is an important decision and we will stand beside you with information and support.

A question mark is drawn on a blackboard with chalk.


Abortion is your choice, but you need to know what you are choosing. As with any surgical procedure, finding out how it is done, the risks and the side effects is essential. We offer factual, medically accurate information so you can make an informed decision. You deserve to know the facts. (Note to editor: Please link this to Abortion as your option page) You owe it to yourself to make an informed decision.

Perhaps you're thinking:

  • The father is insisting on an abortion
  • I'm not ready to be a parent
  • I can't tell anyone I'm pregnant

We know exactly how you feel and you're not alone. Many of our staff has been where you are. Before deciding the outcome of your pregnancy, it is important to answer these three questions:

  1. Is my pregnancy viable?
    A positive pregnancy test does not mean that will continue. One in five pregnancies ends on their own, most often before 7 weeks. We can offer an ultrasound to see if pregnancy is viable.

  2. How far along am I?
    Gestational age determines the type and cost of abortion procedures that you could be eligible for. Only an ultrasound exam can accurately determine gestational age. We can offer an ultrasound to determine gestational age.

  3. Do I have an STD?
    Having any type of abortion with an untreated STD jeopardizes a woman’s health by increasing her risk of infection and other complications. We can refer you to a facility that offers free STD testing.

You may also be interested in knowing:

  • What kind of abortions are available to you?
  • What are your rights with abortion providers?
  • Are there any short-term or long-term risks to consider?

We can help you understand your choices and your pregnancy, discuss your health and explain your options.


You have lots of choices with adoption. Will it be open or closed? Will it be private or will you use an agency? You are in the driver's seat when making an adoption plan and there are lots of things to consider if you:

  • Don't want an abortion and aren't ready to be a parent
  • Want to provide your child with a 2-parent family
  • Want to provide your child emotional and financial stability. In today's adoptions, you can know your child and be a part of your child's life. You can have the peace of knowing your child is loved and cared for by the couple you choose.

We can help you understand your options with adoption.


You may have more questions than answers about parenting, or maybe the thought of becoming a parent seems impossible to you at this time. We've talked to hundreds of clients who have concerns such as:

  • My husband or boyfriend doesn't want the baby but I do
  • For Men: My girlfriend doesn't want the baby but I do
  • I can't tell my family
  • How will I finish school?
  • How will I continue working?
  • Where will I live?
  • I don't have medical insurance
  • I can't afford a child
  • I'm too young

We can talk about all these issues with you so you can decide if parenting is right for you. Make an appointment or call (321) 422-4168. We’re here to serve you.

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