Do Men Have A Say?



Your girlfriend has just told you she's pregnant, and life as you know it will never be the same. Surprised, scared, happy, upset? Know that your feelings are valid and normal. Maybe you are looking for a "quick fix". It can seem like a waste of time to stop, to think, to gather all the facts you need. But slow down. Take your time. Learn all you can before making a decision that cannot be reversed and may have unexpected consequences that last a lifetime. Don't bail. She is looking to you for help and guidance. You probably have many questions and all of them deserve serious consideration. We are confident that we can answer all of your questions and help you make the best choice for you and your girlfriend.


One in five women has a positive pregnancy test and do not have a baby growing in the uterus. That’s because 20% of pregnancies end in natural miscarriage. We can perform a free ultrasound to determine if the pregnancy is viable (capable of growing to term).  Give us a call and make an appointment for your free options evaluation.


Perhaps you're wondering if your girlfriend can be hurt during an abortion. Some women experience hemorrhaging, infection and damage to internal organs after an abortion. There may be more serious physical consequences for women. Teenage girls considering abortion face special health and psychological risks.

Have you thought about the possible emotional consequences of abortion? In one study, over 90% of the women polled eventually regretted their abortions. Listen as women talk about their abortion experiences. Sometimes it's the men who look back with remorse. You can read more testimonies here. Most relationships cannot withstand the strain of an abortion and the couple breaks up.

One of the reasons a person may choose abortion is that he/she doesn't really know what happens during an abortion. Abortion procedures are explained here.

You may have heard all kinds of things from friends about fetal development. Even some medical people may tell you that it's just a blob of tissue or may refer to your baby as a "product of conception". Did you know that your baby's heart starts beating just 21 days after conception? Is your relationship at a place where the subject of marriage has come up? A baby is not a good reason to get married, but if it were already in your long term plans, there may be some legal and emotional benefits to marrying a little earlier than planned. If neither you nor your girlfriend is in a position to raise a child, another option to consider might be adoption.
We hope the information provided above has been helpful to you. Dealing with an unplanned or crisis pregnancy may be one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face. Don't try to face it alone. Reach out to someone who has your best interest at heart and has nothing to gain financially from your choice. As scary as it may sound at first, talk to your parents. After initially being startled by the news, most parents calm down and want to help. You might also want to reach out to a trusted teacher or your pastor/rabbi.

All of Life Choices pregnancy services are completely free. Life Choices Medical Clinic is a non-profit organization. We’ve intentionally structured our organization so we don’t make money on any pregnancy decision that you make. That means we can provide unbiased information without a financial conflict of interest. And we’ll do it in a caring, non-judgmental way. Give us a call for your options evaluation.

A man is sitting on the floor holding a pregnancy test.
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