Abortion Pill Info



This is NOT the Morning After Pill

Mifepristone, known as the abortion pill or RU-486, is prescribed by a doctor within the first 7 to 10 weeks of pregnancy. Most don’t know how it works. Some physicians will tell you that mifepristone is a “light procedure”; or is “relatively quick” and “easy.” That is not always the case.

Mifepristone is a drug that blocks the effects of progesterone—a hormone your body needs to grow a healthy baby.

Mifepristone blocks the nurturing effects of progesterone which leads to the death of the developing baby.

The Abortion Pill Process

  • A women considering a medical abortion will first be given a physical examination to determine her eligibility for this type of procedure. She is not eligible if she has any of the following: ectopic pregnancy, ovarian mass, IUD, corticosteroid use, adrenal failure, anemia, bleeding disorders or use of blood thinners, asthma, liver or kidney problems, heart disease, or high blood pressure.
  • Antibiotics may be to prevent infection.
  • During her first office visit she will be given her first oral dose of Mifpristone. If you are at this stage and are having second thoughts, it may not be too late. Please call us at 321-422-4168.
  • 36 to 72 hours after taking the Mifepristone, the second drug Misoprostol are taken orally or inserted vaginally. These tablets will cause contractions and expel the remains of the baby. This process may take a few hours or as long as a few days. The woman will need to be examined by her doctor two weeks later to ensure the abortion was complete and to check for complications.

NOTE: This procedure is unsuccessful approximately 5-10% of the time with the potential of requiring an additional surgical abortion procedure to complete the termination.

A woman considering medical abortion should also read up on the many side effects and risks of mifepristone and misoprostol.


Mifepristone (RU-486) is a strong drug, and you may experience side effects after taking it. 

Common side effects of Mifepristone Oral:

Hemorrhaging - Bleeding Not Related to Menstrual Period
Stomach Cramps
Low Amount of Potassium in the Blood
Possibility of Death (find sitation)

Less Severe
High Blood Pressure
Overgrowth of Uterine Lining
Joint pain
Low Energy
Fluid retention in legs feet and hands
Loss of appetite
Inflammation or infection of vagina
Chronic trouble sleeping


Emily - July 20th 2015

"The fear I had of being pregnant overcame all other emotions, and I took the pill. On the drive home I was consumed with guilt and regret. I cried the whole way home...I started looking online...and came across a website discussing a reversal process, and it had a phone number. I was filled with hope, but also doubt that it was real or attainable. Once I called the number, I came in contact with the hotline nurse...The next morning I was scheduled to go to the San Juan Diego Center...A worker called me and made sure I was coming, she even asked if I needed a ride. I took her call as a sign that I was doing the right thing."   > Read more


Hannah - July 20th 2015

Some people may look at me as hypocritical because I am pro-life. This is because on the day I turned 19, I had an abortion. I was about five weeks along when I took the RU486 pill. I was a young, naive girl who thought partying and fooling around had no consequences – much like many teens believe. I was in my freshman year of college at an out-of-state university which my parents were paying big bucks for me to attend.  > Read more


Reprinted with permission of LIVEACTION.ORG

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